Cover of 1984


    George Orwell

    341 pages

    London, 1984: Winston Smith, Geschichtsfälscher im Staatsdienst, verliebt sich in die schöne und geheimnisvolle Julia. Gemeinsam beginnen sie, die totalitäre Welt infrage zu stellen, als Teil derer sie bisher funktioniert haben. Doch bereits ihre Gedanken sind Verbrechen, und der Große Bruder richtet seinen stets wachsamen Blick auf jeden potenziellen Dissidenten. George Orwells Vision eines totalitären Staats, in dem Cyberüberwachung, Geschichtsrevisionismus und Gedankenpolizei den Alltag gläserner Bürger bestimmen, hat wie keine andere Dystopie bis heute nur an Brisanz gewonnen.

    This book explores the dark side of totalitarianism and the manipulation of truth, making it a thought-provoking read about power and control.

    This book starts with a striking line that sets the tone for a chilling exploration of a dystopian future.

    This book is so intense that I can't even imagine reading it in my lifetime.

    A powerful read that evokes deep sadness, making it a haunting reflection on society and control.

    This book serves as a powerful warning about the dangers of overt government control and propaganda, especially in the age of technology. It's not only well-written but also manages to be engaging and thought-provoking.

    This book is a gripping exploration of a dystopian future that will leave you gasping for breath, making it a must-read for anyone who enjoys thought-provoking literature.

    This book goes deeper than most people discuss, especially with its theme of the main character's struggle with the government's lies about razor blade production.

    This book explores the theme of forced insanity, making it a compelling read for those interested in the psychological effects of totalitarianism.