Cover of The Secrets of Immortality

    The Secrets of Immortality

    Prof. Dr. Ernst von Schwarz

    204 pages

    In view of progressive research advances in biotechnology and medicine, the prospect of living longer, increased longevity, increased health span, and even biologic immortality has become more real than ever before. The Secrets of Immortality evaluates humankind’s continuous quest for immortality—an integral part of human nature. With hundreds of millions of dollars being spent on anti-aging and immortality research, some futurists believe that within a few decades, man will be able to live up to 150 years, if not more. Some believe that the first person to live up to 1000 years old is already alive today. While this sounds like a premise from science fiction, The Secrets of Immortality describes the current state of biotechnology and medical research data and the possibilities of anti-aging and natural or biologic immortality within the near future. Prof. Dr. Ernst von Schwarz wrote The Secrets of Immortality from a theological point of view, examining everlasting life from the perspective of different religions (with a main emphasis on the Roman Catholic tradition). Dr. Schwarz is a physician, transplant cardiologist, and researcher, but he is also a theologian, offering a unique perspective to longevity and immortality.

    This book delves into the heavy themes of mortality and existence, making it a profound yet challenging read.