William Faulkner
196 pages
As I Lay Dying is Faulkner's harrowing account of the Bundren family's odyssey across the Mississippi countryside to bury Addie, their wife and mother. As they carry Addie in a homemade coffin, pulled along by a team of mules, the Bundrens are haunted by greed and fear—their journey both mocks and confirms our humanity. Their story is told in turn by each of the family members—including Addie herself—as well as those they encounter on their way. This fractured viewpoint epitomizes Faulkner's visceral modernist style, as the varied voices reveal secrets, expose desires, and bring back the dead. A benchmark achievement and one of the most influential novels in American fiction, As I Lay Dying not only endures but prevails. Penguin Random House Canada is proud to bring you classic works of literature in e-book form, with the highest quality production values. Find more today and rediscover books you never knew you loved.
This book delves into the complexities of love and the limitations of language, exploring how words can sometimes fail to capture the depth of human experience.