Art Spiegelman, Hillary Chute
0 pages
Pulitzer Prize-winning author Art Spiegelman is one of our most influential contemporary artists, and it is hard to overstate his effect on postwar American culture and the world of comics. Maus has shaped the fields of literature, history, and art, and enlivened our collective sense of what these practices can accomplish. Collecting responses to the work that confirm its unique and terrain-shifting status, Maus Now sees writers such as Philip Pullman, Adam Gopnik, Ruth Franklin, and others approaching the complexity of Maus from a wide range of viewpoints and traditions. Organized into three loosely chronological sections ("Contexts", "Problems of Representation" and "Legacy"), the book offers translations of important French, Hebrew, and German essays on Maus for the first time. Maus is revelatory, and generative, in profound and long-lasting ways. With this collection, American literary scholar (and expert on comics and graphic narratives) Hillary Chute assembles the best work around the globe exploring this classic graphic biography.
Maus is a profound read about a son interviewing his father about the Holocaust, using animals to represent different countries. It's a mature and lengthy comic that has become one of my favorites.
Maus is a graphic novel classic that combines powerful storytelling with illustrations, making it a unique and impactful read.
This graphic novel is a profound exploration of a son's journey to understand his father's traumatic experiences as a Jew during the Holocaust, revealing the lasting impact of such horrors.